For the safety of our children, please follow our parking lot drop off and dismissal procedures so that all of our students are safe when arriving and departing from school. Please share this information with anyone who will be picking up your child(ren).
At drop-off, please DO NOT let your child out of the car until you reach the overhang. There are many cars circling through the parking lot in the morning. It is safer to let the children out at the sidewalk.
Please DO NOT drive down the South Drive entrance of the church. Please either use Downer St. and turn left onto Meadow St. and left into the second entrance of our parking lot OR use Grove St., turn right onto Meadow St. and then right into the first entrance of our parking lot. Please observe the entrance and exit signs into the parking lot. An organized flow of traffic will prohibit accidents from occurring.
If you park in the parking lot, please accompany your children into school. Do not allow them to run across the parking lot by themselves.
If you would like to come into the building to pick up your child, please do so after all the cars have left.
PLEASE observe the signs and cones, especially if you are picking your child up from aftercare. Going around the signs and cones is extremely dangerous as children are playing in the parking lot area. Also, please do not pass other cars in line unless directed to do so. We may see things that you are unable to see so we ask that you are patient and observe this very important safety rule.
Please remember that it is NYS law to have your child secured in a safety seat or seat belt. Please refer to this page for more details.Please remember to send your children in with appropriate clothing to go outside to play. Girls may wear blue leggings under their jumper if their legs are cold. Also, please label your child’s clothing so we may return them if they get misplaced.
St. Mary’s Academy requires all students in Kindergarten through Sixth grade to adhere to a uniform dress code. Students in Pre-K4 are not required to wear a uniform. Uniforms may be purchased through our either of our uniform suppliers Flynn and O’Hara and Lands’ End, or you may obtain free uniforms from the Uniform Exchange (see below). The complete dress code is listed below.
Please refer to the link below for more details on our uniform policy.
FACTS and Flocknote are our main way of reaching you for important messages, reminders, and emergencies. Please make sure you notify the office of any email and/ or phone number changes or additions so we can update our system. Also, stay tuned to channels 3, 5, 9 or 10 for the latest closings and cancellations.
Weekly newsletters come from our principal every Friday afternoon. Please be sure that your email address is up to date with our office so that you receive up to date information on school events.
In the event of inclement weather, St. Mary’s Academy will make an independent decision outside of the Baldwinsville Central School District (BCSD). Therefore, when viewing channels 3, 5, 9 and 10, look for St. Mary’s Academy while scrolling through the schools – NOT BCSD. As a general rule, if BCSD closes, we will close. If BCSD has a one hour delay, we will delay. If BCSD has a 2 hour delay, it is possible that we will close.
St. Mary’s Academy uses FACTS for our tuition management. Once enrolled, you will be asked to set up an account and select a payment plan with FACTS.
Our school lunches are provided to us through the Baldwinsville Central School District.
Our lunches are nutritionally sound and follow all dietary and healthy options recommended by NYS. The cost of hot lunches are $3.75. You must pre-order lunch a month in advance. Order forms are sent home with each student at the end of the month for the following month.